
dedicating as much time & energy to your feeling heart

as you usually give to your intellectual mind.

"Wholeheartedness captures the essence of a fully examined emotional life and a liberated heart, one that is free and vulnerable enough to love and be loved. And a heart that is equally free and vulnerable to be broken and hurt.”

Brené Brown

By enjoying a blend of yogic embodiment, vocal coaching and ceremony, we work with teachings such mantra, asana (Vinyasa, Yin, Mindful Movement and Intuitive flow) and explore our expanding hearts. In addition, we flow with tools and joyful explorations coming from personality development, alignment and coaching practices as well as drama pedagogy, to allow the energy in and around the heart to come into flow.

"We're sitting under the tree of our thinking minds, wondering why we're not getting any sunshine!"

Ram Dass

Lovely things they say

"I’m feeling so much expansion and freedom in playing and exploring sound, reclaiming my voice." @Jamieleefinch

"Feeling so much energy moving in my body. I was giving voice to what has been unexpressed for so long." @tesedura

"The Retreat allowed us to blossom up in our unique way. We awakened the beauty and power we all have within us!" @yoga.mind.t

"Ich schätze diese Erfahrung sehr - es war mit solch' einer Hingabe gestaltet. Ich habe mich sehr aufgehoben, gehört und verstanden gefühlt. Julia hat für uns einen unfassbaren save space geschaffen, in dem wir einfach nur sein durften. Das Retreat war eine absolute Bereicherung für mich!" @lynn

"Unleashing our voices by embracing messiness, beauty, and everything! I'm able to express boundaries in a loving way, creating more space in my life." @alinacristina_soulquee

"My relationship with my voice is now completely different: I have learned to love it and have more confidence in it!" @lisalislife

About Reachel

Since the moment she could articulate her first sounds, she has been immersed in singing. Her journey began with singing lessons, and in her teenage years, she delved into learning to play the guitar. However, it was during this time that she also accrued trauma surrounding her voice and expression, leading to a period of several years where she refrained from singing.
The process of healing began by understanding the barriers she faced, followed by releasing them through ancient practices. This journey ignited a deeper exploration into the profound healing capacity of sound and the human voice.

Our voice, arguably our most underutilized tool, is often shackled by deep-rooted fears. We carry limiting beliefs such as "my voice isn't good enough" or "I might say the wrong thing." If only we recognized the immense power of our voice as a conduit to tap into our inner wisdom, strength, and connection to our deepest truths.

Her academic background in education has equipped her with insights into speech and breathwork therapy. However, the bulk of her expertise has been gleaned through hands-on experience and daily spiritual practice.

The Food

Our kitchen team puts a lot of love into the preparation of our meals - this will be heart-felt - for sure!

Before our first yoga session you there will be nuts, crackers and fresh fruit - free at your disposal. After practicing we enjoy a generous vegan brunch buffet where you can find delicious treasures such as colourful smoothie bowls, chia pudding, home-made bread, shakshuka and other warm dishes! The Brunch will be so abundant that you can save some extras of your favourites in case you want to snack something in the afternoon. Our dinner will be early - already at 6pm - warm, fresh and nourishing. 

NOTE: All dishes are vegan, fresh and as seasonal, organic and regional as possible. If you have any allergies, you can specify that in your online registration form that you will receive after signing up for the Retreat. 

Our Venue

We meet at the Shanti Space, a beautiful cottage venue in Portugal.

We chose this amazing location as we feel like the lands around it amplify our powerful practices, supporting the purpose of the HEALING HEART to recognise the innate beauty within our hearts and of nature around us.

The entire program aims at deepening your sense of self-love and self-trust, which is the ultimate foundation for growth in all areas of your life. For us it feels like you can feel that on the wonderful forest farmlands of the Shanti Space, plenty of transformation and healing has already been taking place.


Meine Sitzungen sind …

  • personalisiert

    Bei unseren ersten Sitzungen geht es darum, dein momentanes Wohlbefinden zu bewerten und einen individuellen Plan zu entwickeln, der zu deinen einzigartigen Bedürfnissen und Zielen passt.

  • Zielgerichtet

    Jeder hat seine wunden Punkte im Hinblick auf das vollständige körperliche Wohlbefinden. Ich arbeite eng mit dir zusammen, um deine Trigger zu identifizieren und zu überwinden.


    Zum Wohlbefinden gehört mehr als nur Sport und Diäten. Unter meiner Anleitung lernst du auch andere hilfreiche Praktiken wie Achtsamkeitstraining, Aromatherapie und mehr kennen.

So wirst du dich fühlen

Selbstbewusster UND klarer, MEHR Energie UND tieferer Schlaf